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Register Unavailable

The R&CHP register will be unavailable on Thursday 25th April 2024 from 6pm until 10pm  in order for us to carry out essential maintenance work . Please ensure you have logged out of the Register by 6pm as failure to do so could result in data not being saved correctly. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

NI FMD Deadline

The deadline for applicants presenting 2023/24 data to Ofgem to claim REGOs for NI FMD is 31st March 2024.  There are several teams involved in the issuing REGOs, therefore queries should be responded to as soon as possible to provide the best chance to issue REGOs ahead of this deadline. If you do not engage with us on your application, any potential REGOs, should you gain accreditation, may not be issued for the 2023/2024 period. You should also be aware that suppliers may have their own internal deadlines to have REGOs into their account.


Redevelopment of the Renewables and CHP Register - Timeline and project progress update    

 Due to a number of outstanding activities, the Renewable Electricity Register (RER) planned release into Public Beta in April 2023 has been delayed. Further details can be found in the link here

Read about our RO/REGO/FIT audit programmes for 2022/23 on our website

Account Access, Output Data Submissions, Certificate Transfers, Application Submissions:
If you are having issues accessing your account or are unable to submit an application or output data, please contact the following teams for support:    

• Renewable Obligation (RO) Scheme
• Feed-in Tariff (FIT) Scheme 
• REGO Scheme

Viewing PDF Documents: 
It is currently not possible to view uploaded pdf documents in your accreditation application. You are still able to upload pdfs as necessary, but if you have any queries about previously uploaded pdfs, please contact the RO, ROOFIT and REGO team at the relevant email address below: 



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